Saturday 31 March 2012

Beautiful and Challenging Puzzle App for Android

Well crafted wooden
Puzzle App-Woodebox
A puzzle should be a challenge, rewarding to complete, have diverse means of completing it and be completely engaging. Add in as an extra bonus immense aesthetic appeal and you'll get a slight inkling of what Woodebox Puzzle is bringing to the Google Play. 

As far as brain and puzzle games go on Android Woodebox is one of the most striking and attractive puzzle apps that we've seen. It really puts us in mind of master craftsman of yesteryear toiling for months, sometimes even years, to bring a well crafted work of art to life. And yes, Woodebox is a very unique puzzle work of Art, with the wooden textures of the graphics in the box making you really realise how much love has been loved on this brainy app.

Of course an Android Puzzle App without playability would be worthless, and we're glad to say that Woodebox delivers in this regard to. With 63 levels and more planned for the future the puzzle app certainly has longevity. It also plays out as a puzzler's dream to. The Box is an enclosed area in which you need to slide the well crafted wooden pieces of varying shapes to fill the gaps. The shape puzzler has been compared to other classic games on Android such as Tangram and Unblock Me, it's a fair comparison. 
The Android Puzzle
App is well presented
and has varying challenges

But Woodebox Puzzle App stands out a lot more from these for so many little touches aside from those we've already mentioned. The developers really know their gaming and the app has a progressive difficulty level , with initial levels introducing you to the mechanics and skills needed to play the Android game and later levels upping the difficulty by introducing moving and dynamic elements into the app.
The Developer's hail from Deep in the Heart of Europe, and it's abundantly clear that the reputation of that corner of the world for making well crafted and lovingly made works of art has nobly made it into this generation in the form of this superb, fun and challenging Android Puzzle App.
Woodebox Puzzle Available from Google Play-free version of the puzzle game and a paid version that is ad-free are available

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