Monday 17 September 2012

Spearfishing App (Saltwater Style)

During my fishing apps binge I stumbled upon this Spearfishing app. It isn't exactly fishing, however, you do get fishes in it. Go underwater in first person view in search for specific species of fish or just collect enough fishes for the total weight objective before time runs out. The 3D environment is really smooth and nicely done. It brings a certain liveliness that you wouldn't expect to have besides perhaps on a high end device. These fishes aren't just pictures that move, they actually swim!

Tuna included, they're just not edible and might be called groupers in the app.
Your HUD is through a point of view from inside a scuba gear diving mask. Paddle to swim faster. Your oxygen level is displayed in a yellow tank towards the left of your nose(your left). If you find yourself running out of oxygen, go back up to replenish your oxygen supply. Shoot/Release your spear and your POV will be from the spear as it follows it's trajectory. Kinda cool.

 What's that health percentage you may ask? Well, you are in the ocean so the game includes probably the sea's most feared creature, the shark. But that's not all, another dangerous sea creature also lurks in the game, the deadly stingray. Shoot them, on purpose or on accident, and they will pursue you for a few seconds(at least until they get a shot at you). One shot will hurt you 50%. How do you restore or get 75% health if they do 50% damage? Well, luckily for you this is a game, so there are some gray boxes of health at the ocean floor to help you from getting that "game over" screen. Tip: If you don't attack the sharks/stingrays then they won't attack you. Even if you swim right next to their mouths. Treat others like you would want to be treated, especially while you are in the water and if they are bigger, stronger swimmers in the water that are known for killing. The golden rule even applies here.

There is a Lite Version that is FREE and a paid version(Spearfishing Pro). The paid version of course has a few extra features like more fish species, more levels, and no ads. Both can be found on Google Play and was brought to you by the developers at Sparkin' Apps LTD. The free version definitely gives you a taste of the full version.

The graphics aren't super detailed and the ocean seabed doesn't look like the ones found in Pixar's Finding Nemo. But don't forget this is your phone simulating. The 3D environment doesn't look that bad. Plus Spearfishing 2 just came out a few days ago I believe. It also has a lite and a pro variant. The graphics seem to have been improved, naturally. I'll probably be checking it out after this post. Sea you later.

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