Monday, 5 September 2011

Expanding into Android App development

So marketing campaign firmly underway we were quite happy bimbling along and re-translating the occasional app on the market and had just finished another optimisation for a client called when he emailed back with an interesting proposition: ''I had an idea here. I got the hangman application which was made ​​entirely in Portuguese. I need to translate it to english, but i don't know what words are easy and hard. So i need to help with that. I have de source code of game all done, beucase i did it in portuguese. So i need only the translated words. I don't know if a english hangman application will be good sold at android market, but if you want to translate that for me''
(Please note his use of English and you will see why I thought he'd be the ideal client!)
And so with that simple email I was started on the road that would eventually lead to being a partnered publisher on the Android market itself!

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