Tuesday 1 November 2011

Maxim's Favourite IPhone Game? Basketball Hotshots


Basketball Hotshots is an addictive game which you won’t be able to put down! You have 5 basketball players lined up in a row, whilst the basket moves from side to side above their heads. You have to time it right by tapping the players so they throw the ball into the basket as it passes above them, and get the highest score you can. If you’re quick you can get several baskets per player. As you get more baskets in a row they start to score more points, but the basket will also speed up! When you miss the ball resets to 2 points, so be careful…

If you like to play online, you can connect to your friends and compete against each other in real time, as well as connecting to random opponents via Game Centre.

Featuring 3 Game Modes, Online Play and Online Leaderboards this could be one to watch. 

The Game has already attracted the attention of Maxim Magazine who rate it  4 out of 5 stars. I've sourced some of the best reviews for this game and they all acknowledge that it is IMPOSSIBLE TO PUT DOWN.

So if Basketball is an interest, if you're competitive, or if you just love a well made Iphone game than check out Basketball Hotshots.

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