Friday 2 December 2011

Using your iPhone to find the best deals from Zillow and Home Rent

In this modern world of credit crunches and mortgage dropouts we need any advantage we can to lower our rent or take advantage of  home buying companies like Zillow. This article will attempt to establish whether your iPhone can be a good tool to find the best homes for rent or even to get the best deals for a rent by owner home.

For those who have not heard of it Zillow is the online housing database that gives potential home buyers and renters access to home price value through their clever Zestimate factoring which in turn gives a Zillow Home Value. An immensely useful tool for those in the market for property and not surprisingly now a top iPhone app.

Zillow iPhone App

Find all the details of the immensely  useful Home Finder app on the Zillow Website.
Like many websites brought to the iPhone screen it adds an extra dimension to physical searching of potential accommodation or might even be simply used to satisfy your curiosity as to how much a house is worth. It also adds the obvious practicality of finding whether a homes rent is too high (do you really want to have to share with a roommate because of  a steep price?) or indeed whether you're looking to rent by owner and your price is too low,

As for extra functionality unique to the iPhone app , you can quite happily use the Zillow real Estate app to search for homes using GPS.

As you're already linked to a well regarded and proven website it's no wonder that so many are turning to the Zillow app to satisfy their real-estate needs.

1 comment:

  1. There is some exciting news for foreign investors due to recent geo-political developments and the emergence of several financial factors. This coalescence of events, has at its core, the major drop in the price of US real estate, combined with the exodus of capital from Russia and management Among foreign investors this has suddenly and significantly produced a demand for real estate in California.


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