Sunday 22 July 2012

Apps for Finding Cheap Pharmaceuticals

Recently we ran an article entitled Medical Self Diagnosis on your iPhone, and since then have been inundated with requests for medical apps. Particularly with regard to apps that can help you to find cheap pharmaceuticals or medicines. 
As this seems to be quite a popular topic amongst our US readers, who seem to be continually looking for ways to buy cheap medicines , and of course Smartphones are ideal for this particularly Android which with a looser hold on the apps on Google Play have a constant stream of Medical apps and cheap coupon finding apps coming out. Well for once we thought we'd just give you a direct link to a site that features in a bunch of apps to find cheap medicines: If you're one of the users of a Google Play app that finds cheap medicines then please let our other readers know if you come across theis site and if they are as good as many Android users think.

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