Wednesday 27 March 2013

Demolition Master - Can you do it?

     Lots of new apps are just copies of old apps and barely add anything new to them besides different artwork. Once in a while though a smartphone app comes along with nice and unique touches to it. For example, Demolition Master  by  App Mania .

       A quick glance at the gameplay looks a lot like Angry Bird towers. This however is a different game. The towers and its physics are similar. No slingshots are used here. You get to use good old fashioned explosives to demolish buildings. The horizontal red line is the tallest point that the building currently touches. It will fall down with the building when the building falls. You're objective is to bring the Red Line below (not sure if it can be at) the horizontal Blue Line using bombs.

        That's right. Pinch and zoom is a feature. Not only that, but you may hold onto the gameplay area to zoom in like a magnifying glass. Set your bombs in place by touching where you want them to be planted. The number of bombs available are on the bottom of the screen. Red ones are regular bombs and Yellow ones are special bombs. Save the yellow bombs. If you feel like you've misplaced a bomb, you may touch it to dismount it. If you want to restart the level you my tap on the rotating red arrows icon on the top right hand corner of the screen. All your planted bombs would be refreshed.

     When you are ready for the action...Press the bottom right of the button on the screen and Kaboom! I usually don't yell at readers but it seemed appropriate. Upon explosion you have several seconds for the chain reaction to bring down the red line. A timer pop up on the left of the screen after a few seconds. Upon completion or failure you get 3 options that pop up. The options are go to main menu, retry, or go to the next level. Some levels have a section that says "Do not cross". That means for whatever reasons no parts of the building you are blowing up may enter that area. Doing so will result in an automatic failure of the level.  

The only real tip/hint/clue I have is to use the least amount of bombs you can because it will increase your score by a lot(about 500 points per bomb unused).

No you don't blow up countries. This is a cool world map for levels. Reminds me of Street Fighter.

The Android version of the app is available on Google Play for FREE. You get 15 free levels for the USA location and Peru for a total of 30 levels. After that you may choose to purchase the full version for a total of 16 locations and 240 levels. Download it here

The app came from itunes although a quick web search only showed a Hong Kong iTunes page.  

With nice and appropriate music, artwork, sound effects, friendly menu's for a good user interface experience, Demolition Master is a well completed app. Even the Android app has a nice app icon.  The developers at App Mania also did a good job on their logo. It looks cool.(left)

However I do have a few small suggestions.
1) Spice up the gameplay with more vibrant colors. Especially the world map. 
2) Fix the barely noticeable small pixels from the texts. (this may be due to a different aspect ratio from previous iPhones of which the app was originally created for)
3) Add a "Play" or "Start" level button to the screen after a level is selected. It wasn't obvious that I was suppose to tap the puzzle to play. 

They weren't done yet though as they've released a sequel called Demolition Master 3D. An article covering that app is coming soon. Both games have over 100,000 downloads on Google Play.



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