But heres the catch: The Happy Wheels game is quite limited in vehicles and you'd actually be very lucky to find even a Ford in it as the premier means of transportation is a wheelchair! So Jerkface what are you up to and is your car game (Umm sorry I mean crazy wheel chair based game!) worth playing?
Like many crazy concept games Happy Wheels started life as a flash game on that source of all that is crazy the internet. Play Happy Wheels Jerkface . There have been a long line of illustrious games that have been ported to the Iphone and Android, some of the best that I'm playing at the moment are the legendary car games: Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit and any other version of Need For Speed that I can get hold of because they are that good ( covered in my previous article Best Games list for Xperia Play)
I'm sad to say that for all my searching( 3 hours plus at the moment) I still haven't been able to locate any Happy Wheels App for Iphone, come on Jerkface what are you waiting for you could make a fortune!

Gameplay is thick and fast with some great physics and gory endings for your character and Zombies and any other things that they come up against (there's a huge variety of levels) . I'm just going to end off this posting and speak to Jerkface Directly " Happy Wheels needs to come to Iphone Now!"
On a positive note the game is available on Kongregate so theoretically it should be possible, using the Android App, to play the Happy Wheels game on Android. I haven't tried it yet so if you find out please let us know via this posts comments.
And if you're an Iphone owner join the rest of the world in appealing to Jerkface to bring Happy Wheels to your Iphone now!
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