Monday 28 November 2011

How does Google Gravity add to Google Gmail?

Being a prolific user of Gmail for all of Gametrenders wonderful app customers and reader queries I'm always on the look out for what else Google has up their sleeve. Google Gravity has been out for a while but I thought I'd give it a mention as it reminded me a lot of Half-Life 2 , believe it or not!
Just like in Half-Life 2 you can utilise the force of Gravity to throw things about the screen willy-nilly, although in the search engines case it's the words and links dotted about the screen and not screaming FaceHuggers or malicious combine soldiers!

Like I've mentioned Gravity has been out for ages, but what's needed is Gravity for your Android Phone, with the accelorometer and Ice-Cream sandwiches' abilty to take on phone screenshots that should be a lot of fun!

While we're on the topic of Google Easter Eggs some more trending ones out at the moment : the GOOGLE BARREL ROLL homage to Star Fox 64 (which was originally a homage toStar Wars and the death defying DeathStar Takedown. I won't spoil the surprise but type "Z or R twice" into the search engine or type in "Do a Barrel Roll" and see what happens!

Google Chuck Norris for another Google surprise!

Now on to the part of the article where we talk smartphones, because after all thats what we do at Gametrender:
Using my gmail login to access my mail on my Android Phone seemed to be working fine a few months ago, then I noticed that the gmail notifier had stopped notifiing and now the Android mail app doesn't seem to be working at all! I've searched the net for a solution to this gmail app problem but haven't found a solution. The only work around that I've managed to get is to go onto the webbrowser on the phone and access my mail from there. If you have come across this problem or have a solution please leave a comment.

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