Monday 12 March 2012

How to become a popular App developer

Apps are the next dot com . Fact. And that is why so many programmers and wanna be programmers are struggling to get their head around how to be an app developer. Here at Gametrender we've come across a multitude of Android and iPhone developers who've all got their own "app developer secrets to success". But right here, right now is one developer who is very much the flavour of the week. An inspirational guy that is slowly starting to transform the app and mobile gaming industry, and will do so for some time to come: Jordan Schuetz of Ninja Pig Studios.

Inspirational App Developer
So how can Jordan Schuetz's story help you to become an app developer and why is he the flavour of the week. Firstly he's a serious Indie who's come from nowhere to create some innovative apps in a variety of genres: from his first gaming dev. of " Beach Ball Mayhem", Jordan has progressed through entertainment apps in the form of his very popular "Strobe Light" app that can be seen at numerous parties and concerts up and down the west coast.Moving on to a little dabbling in business apps which finally brought Jordan to his gem of a game " Annoying Pig Game". Certainly annoying to other developers as THE PIG is making his way to fame and fortune and all from the brains and keyboard of one very young and talented app developer.The Barne's and Noble Nook has also reaped the benefits of Jordan's talent with one of his most popular apps being his renowned  "Gun APP"

The reason that Jordan Schuetz-app developer extraordinaire- is our favourite up and coming dev. is not just that he conjures up great apps in multiple categories. Nor the fact that he is an Indie who is revving the enormously popular Corona SDK to the max. It's not even the fact that if you read up about Ninja Pig's rise to fame you'll find that Jordan loves connecting and is always willing to take his app passion and talent and help out others. All of that makes for a pretty exceptional guy in this lucrative and fast moving industry, but all of these reasons for featuring Jordan pale next to the simple fact that this mega-talented and popular app developer is only seventeen years old and still in High School!

Our industry is the new dot com revolution , with one fundamental difference-apps are here to stay. So to answer your question: "How do I become an App Developer?" Learn and follow in the footsteps of amazing people like Jordan Schuetz, that's how!


  1. Great article. He is indeed an accomplished young man. I enjoyed the read.
    Thank you.

    1. He's just about to finish High School and profits from his apps are going to be used to put Jordan through college. It just goes to show what can be achieved if you put your mind to it. Glad you enjoyed the read, we'll try to get other articles like this in future too. The world of apps is not only providing entertainment and utility for millions but also becoming a booming and fascinating industry, with many fascinating people like Jordan having a starring role.

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  4. How to become an app developer
    Decide how you want to develop.
    Brainstorm your ideas by developing cracksnjet app.
    Consider profit options if pursuing independent development.
    Learn to code.
    Pursue certifications.
    Diversify your coding skills.
    Create your app developer resume.
    Apply for app developer positions.


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