Wednesday 4 April 2012

Android Weather App Made for Commuters

Android Weather App
Weather apps are some of the best selling apps on Android. So much of our leisure time and planned activities hinge upon the weather that having a good weather app really can make the difference betweena good day out and a washout.

We are particularly fond of Weather Buddy at the moment as the developer has invested a lot of his personal effort into it. The app was conceived when the developer found himslef in a situation involving lots of travelling within Holland. With the climate of Europe prone to unexpected weather conditions he found the need to devise a good app that would not only accurately forecast rain , sunshine and other associated features. But also look good into the bargain and have a very Eurocentric flavour.

For a commuters app Weather Buddy is pure gold, simply type in a time you need to see the weather, whether it be your morning or evening commute and the commuter friendly weather app does its magic and show you the weather at both destinations. Never be caught shivering or wet again! The app is very simple to use, does a good job odf forecasting and is well porgrammed so that it doesn't run continually and drain your Android Batterys life but will only connect to the met station forecast servers at the scheduled times.

The following blog gives detailed information about Weather-Buddy: 

You can download the application from one of the following links: 
1. Google Play - Weather Buddy
2. Handster -Weather Buddy

The app dev also has  a Twitter account where he announces the latest developments: 
and don't forget to follow @gametrender too!

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