Monday 11 June 2012

Ordering Flowers on your iDevice

iPhone interflora Apps
Apps to order Flowers
Ordering flowers , whether by conventional means or via apps is a lucrative money spinner for the florists of the world. With so many occasions needing flowers, form weddings, to Valentine's Day;
, Mother's Day and a hundred and one other special and not so special times it's actually one of the largest bits of commerce occurring on the net.

So what apps would you use to order flowers on your Android; iPhone or iPad? Firstly before we list some of the more popular apps, just be aware that there have been teething problems that have made some users of smaller screened smartphones experience less than seamless floral transactions. Specifically users with iPhones, whoch are notorious for their smaller screes, find online catalogues hard to view, when looking for a very visual feedback as needed for a bouquet of flowers , this becomes problem. iPad and other tablet users don't really have this problem, but then again you might hit the brick wall of having a non Flash Player supported device which could also hamper your flower buying apps.

Apps to order Flowers:
Flower Coach by Teleflora
California Blooms
If you're buying flowers via apps a special mention must also go to plants at ProFlowers

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