Friday 25 January 2013

Become an app developer for free

Hands up if you've heard of Stanford University, now keep your hand up in the air if you want to learn how to program for iOS 6. Now take both of those hands and thrust them gleefully in the air in celebration as through the iTunes U program you're going to be able to learn to do so for free!
Stanford School of Engineering is offering the free course that will run from January 22 to March 28 and needs to be enrolled on by Feb1. In Stanford U's free app development course you'll learn such topics as tools and APIs needed to dev for IPad and IPhone, user interface designs, object orientated designs and more.

The page to visit to enrol in this free course is Stanford's Coding Together: Developing Apps for IPhone and IPad and can be found on iTunes U. Don't miss out as this could be your best chance at becoming an app developer. and quit your day job as a business startup lawyer raleigh nc

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